Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Dad

*I read this or a variation of this at the funeral home, funeral and again at DLA memorial service. I also stuck a copy of this into my Dad's jacket pocket closest to his heart before he was cremated.

November 22nd, 2010

Dear Dad,

Thank you so much Dad for a lifetime of incredible memories. Thank you for spending every night during my childhood perched at the end of my bed, telling Caroline and I the most incredible stories, some made up and some true. Thank you for always being someone I could turn to, to cry to or to talk to. Thank you for not telling mom when I snuck downstairs at 5 am every day to sit on your knee while you listened to the radio before work. Thank you for taking me for long walks around the neighborhood and teaching me to stop and sit on the curb. I remember one time when we walked to People’s Drug store and you bought me a plastic bat.

Thank you for making me the person I am today. Because of you I know that a sense of humor can get you through any crisis and that no matter what life throws at me I have the strength inside me to get back up again. Thank you for inspiring me with your passion and your determination. Thank you for the many discussions we had over the years about politics and religion. Thank you for the daily jokes we exchanged when we were both working for the defense department.

Thank you for being my number one supporter and for always believing in me unconditionally. Thank you for being my hero. Thank you for always buying me roses on my birthday and when I graduated from high school and college. I was truly blessed to have had you in my life for the past 28 years and I know that you will always be with me in my mind and in my heart. Thank you for always being so proud of me and for telling me so. I’m so glad that Connor got the chance to know his Pop Pop. It makes me incredibly sad to know that you won’t get to see him grow up. But it makes me smile to think of you two together playing trains or making play doh or when he crawled into bed with you and started singing. He pulled out the game of Clue today and said “Pop Pop played this with me”. I know that you are in a better place and that now you can finally see us. Although I think you always saw us better then anyone, because you saw us for our inner beauty. I am glad that you are no longer in pain, but I still want you here with us. I will miss you always and I will think of you everyday.


Your daughter


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